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AT&T Mexico Packaging

Packaging for AT&T Mexico's private-label accessory program. The packaging is color-coded for each type of accessory. For example all audio products have the lighter orange at top and bottom, power has bright green, phone cases the darker orange, etc.

The packaging files were created in Adobe Illustrator.

Cricket Wireless Packaging

Cricket wanted the Qualcomm Quick Charge package to stand out from the others, which is why the colors on it are reversed compared to the other packages.

The packaging files and icons were created in Adobe Illustrator and photo editing for the screen protector image was performed in Adobe Photoshop.

Movistar Packaging

Movistar is one of the leading cell phone providers in Mexico. Before they partnered with Alpha Comm, they didn't offer their customers cases or any other accessories. Much like AT&T, the product categories are color-coded.

The packaging files and icons were created in Adobe Illustrator and photo editing for the screen protector image was performed in Adobe Photoshop.

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